
Leadership-Too much direction and not enough flow

Posted on June 23, 2015 by Clare Gallagher

Some teams are winners. Others never quite make it. Pundits debate the reasons endlessly. For me, the main factor is leadership style.

Like many parents, I watch my children playing sport. When kids are young they need lots of advice. Most coaches start off with a directive style.

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Posted in: Business Growth, Leadership, Performance, Teams, Team Building

Transform growth by celebrating the right stuff

Posted on June 09, 2015 by Emer O'Donnell

We’ve written lots about how building the right metrics into your business can help transform growth. It makes sense – focus on the right metrics or KPIs and good stuff happens. But when the good stuff happens how do we choose what to celebrate?

High performing teams celebrate success well. They intrinsically understand that to drive the right behavior you need to celebrate success. Yet we had an interesting conversation with a client’s team earlier this week.

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Posted in: Business Growth, Sales, Performance

High performance – the team that plays together, plays better together

Posted on June 03, 2015 by Emer O'Donnell

In the nine years since I became a parent I’ve spent a lot of time observing how little people interact. The interesting thing I’ve noticed is that you can learn a lot about human behaviour by watching your kids!

I have always been a bit skeptical about the impact of team building exercises – you know the 'take the team out to the woods and get them to build a bridge' type of stuff. However a recent trip away with my eldest son’s rugby team caused me to rethink this skeptical approach.
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Posted in: Performance, Teams, Team Building